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James Bailey Blackshear

James Bailey Blackshear is an award winning author, historian, professor, husband, father, and grandpa who loves reading, writing, autumns in Texas and summers in New Mexico. His history books and journal articles focus on nineteenth-century Northeastern New Mexico, but his writing interests are varied, including both non-fiction and fiction.


Confederates and Comancheros
Skullduggery and Double Dealing
in The Texas-New Mexico Borderlands

A vast and desolate region, the Texas–New Mexico borderlands have long been an ideal setting for intrigue and illegal dealings—never more so than in the lawless early days of cattle trafficking and trade among the Plains tribes and Comancheros. This book takes us to the borderlands in the 1860s and 1870s for an in-depth look at Union-Confederate skullduggery amid the infamous Comanche-Comanchero trade in stolen Texas livestock.


The Last Day Before Forever (Sci FI)